Saturday, March 31, 2012

Etch A Sketch launches ad campaign

This undated image provided by the Ohio Art Company, makers of Etch A Sketch, shows a detail of one of the ads for a new politics-themed ad campaign. The company is launching the campaign after making headlines nationwide when an aide for Mitt Romney compared his election campaign to the toy. Three ads in the campaign, tagged "Shake it Up, America," poke fun at politics in general and maintain that the toy, created in 1960, is politically neutral. (AP Photo/The Ohio Art Company)

This undated image provided by the Ohio Art Company, makers of Etch A Sketch, shows a detail of one of the ads for a new politics-themed ad campaign. The company is launching the campaign after making headlines nationwide when an aide for Mitt Romney compared his election campaign to the toy. Three ads in the campaign, tagged "Shake it Up, America," poke fun at politics in general and maintain that the toy, created in 1960, is politically neutral. (AP Photo/The Ohio Art Company)

This undated image provided by the Ohio Art Company, makers of Etch A Sketch, shows one of the ads for a new politics-themed ad campaign. The company is launching the campaign after making headlines nationwide when an aide for Mitt Romney compared his election campaign to the toy. Three ads in the campaign, tagged "Shake it Up, America," poke fun at politics in general and maintain that the toy, created in 1960, is politically neutral. (AP Photo/The Ohio Art Company)

(AP) ? The 104-year old company that makes Etch A Sketch is launching new political-themed ads, after the toy made headlines when an aide for presidential hopeful Mitt Romney compared it with Romney's fall election strategy.

Rivals said the comparison with a toy that's fun because of the way it erases implied that Romney would do the same ? and flip-flop on issues once the general election campaign starts. The toy instantly became a buzzword.

"I have not written my public policy pronouncements on an Etch A Sketch," GOP rival Rick Santorum said while campaigning in Wisconsin, for example. "They are written on my heart."

The Ohio Art Co. said the "Shake it Up, America" ads will appear on social media including Facebook and Twitter. They poke fun at politics in general, while maintaining that the drawing toy, first marketed in 1960, is politically neutral.

"Etch A Sketch is a lot like politics, there's a lot of gray area," reads one ad.

"We have a left knob and a right knob for each political party," reads another. "(But remember, when both work together, we can do loop de loops.)"

Still other ads encourage viewers to register to vote. The campaign was created by the ad agency Team Detroit.

"We're just having a ball with it," said Ohio Art President Larry Killgallon. "I thought a week ago it would have died down by now."

The company came up with the idea last weekend and plans to add yard signs and bumper stickers soon.

"We tried to look at what's our appropriate place," Killgallon said.

Toys R Us asked Ohio Art to make blue versions of the toy to go along with the traditional bright-red model ? a move that might keep both political parties happy. The blue versions are due out by mid-June, along with a red-and-blue collector's edition with etchings of an elephant and a donkey, Killgallon said.

He hopes they're popular at this summer's Republican and Democratic national conventions.

"We're kind of the fun part of the campaign," Killgallon said.

The Ohio Art Co., based in Bryan, Ohio, also makes K's Kids toys for babies and toddlers and nanoblock, a building toy. Through Apple Inc.'s iTunes website, it also markets an Etch A Sketch app for the iPhone and iPod.

Ohio Art's shares, which had a wild ride after Etch A Sketch became a metaphor, spiked on Thursday to $9.65, after trading between $2 and $4 since late 2008. They closed Friday at $5.95.


On the Web:

Associated Press writer Seewer contributed to this report from Toledo, Ohio.

Associated Press

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Critics say FTC, Obama privacy plans would lead to major regulation ...

Recent online privacy proposals by the U.S. White House and Federal Trade Commission could lead to new regulations that stifle innovation on the Internet, some lawmakers and other critics said Thursday.

The proposals "would encompass a massive expansion of the government," Representative Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, said during a hearing.

Both proposals are largely focused on voluntary steps Web companies can take to protect customers' privacy. But the White House proposal, released last month, also calls on Congress to pass a privacy "bill of rights" and give the FTC new privacy enforcement authority, potentially including new powers to fine violators.

Several Republican lawmakers questioned the need for new online privacy laws during a hearing in the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee's trade subcommittee. "I am highly skeptical of Congress' or government's ability to keep up with the innovative and vibrant pace of the Internet without breaking it," said Representative Fred Upton, a Michigan Republican. "Consumers and the economy as a whole will not be well served by government attempts to wrap the Web in red tape."

But representatives of the FTC and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) said their proposals would not create major new regulations. The White House proposal seeks a 10- to 15-page bill that would put general privacy principles, including individual control of personal data and data collection transparency, into law, said Lawrence Strickling, the NTIA's administrator.

The FTC's privacy report, released this week, focuses partly on steps businesses can take on their own to better protect Web users' privacy, added Jon Leibowitz, the agency's chairman.

The FTC report calls on websites and online advertising networks to support an online do-not-track system in which customers could tell those businesses to stop tracking them across the Web.

"Our report is just best practices for companies," Leibowitz said. "It doesn't impose any obligations upon companies. [It contains] no rules, no force of law."

But privacy legislation is needed to protect online companies trying to do the right thing from an "uneven playing field" where competitors take advantage of a lack of rules, Leibowitz said. He also told lawmakers he would support efforts to give the FTC fining authority for online privacy violations as a way to provide a more "effective deterrence."

The hearing came on the same day that Yahoo announced that it will comply with visitor do-not-track requests later this year.

Other witnesses questioned the need for new regulations. While both proposals contain several good ideas, they could give the FTC too much power over online commerce, said Berin Szoka, president of TechFreedom, a free market think tank.

Congress should look for balance between privacy rights and the benefits of commerce, with an emphasis on letting consumers make choices for themselves. Szoka added. "Privacy advocates and policy makers alike all too often overstate the value of privacy and understate its costs," he said.

The White House proposal recognizes that government regulations can't keep up with the changing Internet market, but some of its specific proposals seem to run counter to that philosophy, Szoka said. "Government lacks the flexibility, speed and decentralization necessary to address Internet policy challenges," he said.

While some Republicans questioned the proposals, other Republicans and most Democrats on the subcommittee praised the proposals. Lawmakers need to protect privacy, but also stay away from broad regulations, said Representative Mary Bono Mack, the subcommittee chairwoman and a California Republican.

"Despite the recent, highly publicized privacy initiatives taken by several companies, I don't believe industry is doing enough on its own to protect American consumers, while the government, as we all know, has this really bad habit of overreaching whenever it comes to new regulations.," she said.

Grant Gross covers technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service. Follow Grant on Twitter at GrantGross. Grant's e-mail address is


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Helping Relationships and Marriage Heal From the Trauma ...

How to Rebuild Trust


This material is coming from my upcoming book (which should be available as a download from in April 2012.)

Helping Relationships and Marriage Heal From the Trauma ofInfidelity (for the faithful Partner).


Rebuilding Trust


When a partner has been unfaithful, the biggest issue that exists for the person who has been cheated on is the issue of the is trust.? A parent says to their 8 year old child, ?trust me, just fall back and ill catch you.? and then the parent moves a way, and the youngster falls on the ground.? That child has learned a difficult lesson; the youngster will have a hard time ever again letting their parent catch them again.

?The really difficult work ahead is to begin to rebuild the trust that has been lost. The first thing to realize is that trust is not given it is? earned.? In order for trust to be rebuilt five things have to occur:

1. The couple must learn to communicate with each other more effectively with each other. Whenever I have counseled the couple who are dealing with Infidelity even before the discovery of the unfaithfulness partners tell me how they are not able to talk to each other.? They spend little time taking with each other.? Sharing concerns both about the relationship and about their lives in general.

?2. The person who has strayed must be consistent?. They must do what they say their going to do?and be where they say they?re going to be.

?3. The unfaithful partner has to show a regular effort? to be open to their partner.? The unfaithful partner has to let the partner know where they are, to give them access to passwords to phone, computers etc?? This may be difficult for many people, but the other person.? Even the act of giving this level of accountability is reassuring.? Whenever I ask the partner who has been cheated on what is important to them they say; How can I forgive if I can?t know what the other person is doing?. The core issue for the faithful partner is will my partner do this again?

Though being open doesn?t mean the situation can?t be repeated the attitude of openness shows the partner that they have nothing to hide and that is really important.

4.The person who has strayed must be patient and consistent. The person who has cheated must realize that it will take months maybe even a year for thre to be a comfortable level of trust.

?5. Spend time together.? Building trust in a relationship requires time and contact with someone; you can?t trust someone you don?t know.? When you and your partner first met you probably spent a great deal of time together and frequently thought about each other when you were apart.? Eventually though, everyday life takes over and time is spent focusing on jobs, careers, children and hobbies.? Since there was some personal connection that initially drew you together, it is important to rekindle your relationship.?


Trust is earned a little bit at a time

Warm regards,

Dr. Marty



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Networked Politics ? Blog Archive ? Paid Surveys Can Earn You ...

If you need some extra cash but don?t possess the time or energy to get a second job, you might want to look into encuestas por internet pagadas online. Yes, you heard that right. There are companies ready to pay you simply for giving your honest view about a product or service.

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Although you absolutely want to put a few thought into the replies you give and to be as honest as you can, completing these online surveys is not exactly too difficult. Many people find it an easy task to multitask while doing them, answering concerns while listening to the neighborhood news or chat with a friend on the phone.
Still, another advantage of taking online surveys is that it truly is fun to offer your opinion, especially when you know your responses might just help companies appearance their policies, products or, services. Consider, the ten minutes you are taking now to answer a dozen questions could affect many future customers.
Certainly, for most people the best part with regards to taking paid surveys will be the money. The rate of pay varies depending on the length and difficulty of the surveys, but most companies offer around a dollar or a couple of for your efforts. Genuine, you probably won?t become a millionaire at those costs, but if you take three to five surveys a day you can amass over a hundred dollars by the end of the thirty day period. That can cover a number of tanks of gasoline, an utility bill, or simply a fun evening out around town with your significant other.
Prior to actually spend time taking surveys, though, do your homework. As with every other Internet venture, you?re likely to find genuine offers and scams. The scams will be the deals that appear to good to be true. For anyone who is suspicious, type the business?s name into your beloved search engine and see which kind of results come up.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Builder Warranty Inspection Reveals a Roof Construction Problem ...

Water should NOT stand on a sloped roof!

While performing a one-year warranty inspection at a new home, a home inspector noticed standing water on a sloped roof. It was clear that the roof pitch over this newer patio addition was too shallow for the composition shingles that had been installed above it. And there was really no excuse for such a mistake.

The owner of this particular one-year old home said she had paid a private contractor to build the addition a few months earlier. Unfortunately, she ? like most home owners ? did not know about the importance of matching the roof covering material to the angle of the roof pitch. Not following a manufacturer?s installation instructions can lead to serious roof leaks, even mold. The home inspector reported the identified defect to the home owner, and advised her to ask the contractor to come back and repair it. He agreed to a phone consultation with the contractor, if it became necessary.

The Roofer Is Supposed to Match the Material to the Roof Pitch

In construction-speak, ?roof pitch? is a term used to describe the angle, or slope, of the roof surface. Pitch is usually expressed by a phrase like ?5 in 12,? or ?5:12,? or sometimes just ?5 pitch.? In this example, the phrase means that for every 12? of horizontal measurement away from the roof edge, the roof surface gets 5? higher. It?s easy to see that the water shedding ability of a roof will have a great deal to do with how high the pitch angle is. Saying it another way: ?the higher the pitch, the faster the water will run off a roof.?

Let?s say it again: Water SHOULD NOT STAND on a sloped roof!

Manufacturers of composition shingles (the type that is installed on most U.S. homes) have to provide product warranties for their shingles. For that reason, they have a keen interest in those shingles being installed correctly. So these manufacturers print the installation instructions ON EVERY BUNDLE OF SHINGLES. And, in those instructions they recommend that the roof pitch be greater than 4 in 12, so that water will run off properly and efficiently. If a roofer uses composition on a roof with a pitch of less than 4, special preparations must be performed, like doubling up the roofing felt, and using sheet metal flashing at valleys, etc.

Now, here?s where it gets interesting in our particular story. EVERY MANUFACTURER of roof shingles insists that composition shingles NOT BE USED when the roof pitch is less than 2 1/2: 12. In fact, violating that instruction (and a few others) will void the warranty on the entire roof. In other words, composition shingles are not designed or intended to be used with a shallow roof pitch. Wind-driven rain will actually blow water back up under the shingles, under the felt and the wood deck will get wet, and fail to dry properly. Over time, this wet deck will warp and rot, and leak. So, while it might be keeping the interior (i.e., the attic and ceiling) dry early on, it will be slowly losing the fight.

If a home inspector or a roofer sees water standing on a pitched roof, it is a pretty good clue that there is not enough pitch angle to the roof deck. It is a definite sign that the roofer should NOT have used composition shingles on that surface. The contractor who built this lady?s patio addition, did not know, or just didn?t care. This home owner should complain, and the roof covering should be changed out at no charge.

What Is the Proper Way to Roof a Low-Sloped Roof?

But, what materials should you use to cover a low-sloped roof?

Roofing materials manufacturers make a product with similar surface granules and matching colors, called rolled roofing, which comes in 36? wide rolls. This ?rolled roofing? is to be applied by, first doubling up on the layers of roofing paper, overlapping each run as it progresses away from the lowest roof edge. Then, starting again at the lowest roof edge, the composition rolled roofing is rolled parallel with the roof edge, and the overlapping portions/seams (no less than 1? wide) are hot mopped with tar or roofing cement.

There are other types of materials that are available for these low-sloped applications, but generally speaking, they all roll out and are sealed at the seams to keep standing water or wind-driven rain from getting up under the roof covering. After all, the purpose of your roof covering materials, and the flashings that supplement them, is to keep the rain and moisture out.

An Inspector Can Provide a Little Peace of Mind If You Are Going to Remodel

If you are considering a roof replacement for any reason, call a professional real estate inspector. And, that goes for any and all remodeling projects around your house. In most states, inspectors are called by the generic term ?Home Inspector.? If your state requires a license to perform these services, by all means use a licensed inspector. Some companies are willing to act as a consultant between you and your contractor. It?s a good idea to contact an inspector early, before things get testy between you and your contractor.


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

5 Essential Social Apps for Business Productivity: From ...

Creative Review?s April issue includes a ten-page special issue on Neville Brody and Jon Wozencroft?s highly influential publication, Fuse, plus charity ads get personal, Marina Willer, experimental books, the most beautiful tickets you ever saw and lots more all wrapped up in a cover by Mr Brody himself

With the imminent publication of Fuse 1-20, a complete history of the periodical that did so much to foster experimentation in type design, we have a 10-page feature looking at the abiding influence of Fuse.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

And readers can win a signed edition of the bok, which comes complete with posters and an access code to download new typefaces by the likes of Stefan Sagmeister, Lucienne Roberts and eBoy, on our Gallery page.


Elsewhere in the issue, Eliza Williams looks at the way in which social media is allowing charities to make their advertising more personally appealing.


We interview Marina Willer as she makes the move from Wolff Olins to become Pentagram London?s first female (and first Brazilian) partner


Plus, we catch up with Chris Ashworth, the UK designer who is now helping define and deliver communications for Microsoft?s Windows Phone brand and look at Metro, the new ?design philosophy? informing everything that Microsoft does


And Emma Tucker reports on an extraordinary collection of tickets from the Milwaukee public transport system.


In Crit, Rick Poynor reviews The Electric Information Age, a look back at a time of great experimentation in book design, giving us such classics as The Medium is the Massage and Buckminster Fuller?s I Seem to be a Verb.


Adrian Shaughnessy meets the CEO of the highly controversial crowdsourcing site 99designs and asks what such operations mean for the creative industry


Michael Evamy?s regular logo design column examines a trend for purposely messy, imperfect marks


Jeremy Leslie?s magazines column looks at that all-important first question that should be asked when approaching any periodical project: ?Why a magazine??


And Gordon Comstock discovers that it?s not those pesky clients that he despises after all, it?s account managers


And, for subscribers only, we have a nostalgia trip in Monograph this month, our special 20-page extra publication as we go behind the scenes at Thunderbirds with an amazing selection of production and promotional images from the seminal TV show.


If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

Don?t forget, only subscribers receive our award-winning Monograph supplement, free every month.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Working With Self-Hypnosis - Health And Fitness Tips

When we were definitely particularly fresh, we got to be able to give attention to a singular function with out all of the sloppiness and also disorderliness from the subconscious that individuals currently have at this time. Most of us anticipate comprehension much more while we mature, nonetheless being a kid, we could obtain the power to finish worsened attributes such as relocating, interacting, working with tools to place foodstuff from a pan towards lips, for example.

With regard to an individual who must understand these kind of operates all over again after having a nasty automobile accident, it?s an extended drawn out and about practice. Comprehending activities will become common as we age. After we come and also lose harmony, people end up bodily wounded. This is an element that do not doubt, we?ve got figured out this by way of practical knowledge. When you use self-hypnosis so that you can clean clear the subliminal audio head, different activities will make your head wanting to obtain different information. It is the subliminal intellect that is definitely responsible in order to side out in the many area?s a person?s distinctiveness in addition to excitable routines.

Your processes employing hypnosis usually are not brand new. Most people can certainly conger within the pocket watch swinging when in front of someone?s view little by little switching backwards and forwards. Self-hypnosis can be a remedial solution to treat ourselves, for whichever might be maintaining us into obtaining adequate health and well being. That may be any quantity for behaviors such as hankering the nicotine in cigarettes, enjoying relaxation food, anxiety when supplying a delivery, remaining overly taken, and so forth. By simply dealing with hypnosis, we can easily concentrate on one task to be able to change your methods.

Self Hypnosis can be employed by absolutely everyone, but it has the affect relies on simply how much shall be acknowledge to help by yourself enticing this hypnosis approach. In spite of, the actions associated with hypnotizing oneself may be crystal clear. The actual hypnosis operation targets all around many elementary behavior. Getting these types of methods aren?t the same as solution to approach. A first measures inside the hypnosis route is to obtain total tranquility. The particular head can perform quite a few unique stages of ?peace?. A single degree of contentment happens when slumber takes place to the sound experience connected with rainwater. Yet another level comes about by means of caused deep sleep together with experiencing an operation. The degree of serenity that occurs during hypnosis will be amongst currently being conscience and musing about it. A future measures during the hypnosis manner is closely pondering a phrase, a perception, or maybe a program. This unique is really a far more extreme status regarding intake when compared with a person?s standard program on a daily basis. Once during this standard of hypnosis, grounding could happen. Some sort of established power of your complete feels will probably manifest. This ?hyper-awareness? develops of course through thorough sleep. REM, or rapid eye motion will be existing. Sleep is not really realized. When within self-hypnosis, stirring on your own whenever may happen. One can not promote all by yourself anytime going to sleep.

The fundamental thing to using self-hypnosis to change ones incorrect routines or even attempts to allow your very own enthusiasm that will drive on your own directly into complying. A person?s depths of the mind affords the initial push in to one thing transpiring. The intelligence gives determination. Not having a person?s informed perseverance, a change in your behavior would not be possible. Hypnosis again would not be available with out private persistence and even obligation. Check out Self-Hypnosis right until it is productive for you.

Discover the positive effects Self-Hypnosis can have when applied properly. Using Self-Hypnosis can change a number of area?s in your life such as removing Anxiety stopping smoking, losing weight and many more area?s.

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Technorati Tags: health and fitness, Self-Hypnosis changes, Self-Hypnosis Works


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BaconFest returns March 31st | Food and More with John Kessler

Picture_016-3Bacon lovers rejoice!

The 12th annual BaconFest, the outdoor pork-lovers festival hosted by Dad?s Garage Theater, is returning on March 31st. The Vortex Bar and Grill is donating over 1200 lbs. of bacon to be cooked up and served by the crew from D.B.A. Barbecue. PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon) and Ale Yeah! Will provide the beer and, as always, the festival will include games and live music.

Tickets for this usually sell out, so if you want to get your bacon on, I would definitely advise buying in advance. The event runs from 1 p.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday March 31st, and the complete details and ticket info can be found here.

There are multiple levels of ticket, depending on how bacon-y you want to get. Details below:

Portioned Porking ($25 online, $35 phone/door): For the average Joe that?s new to the bacon guzzling world. This pass gets you admission to the festival, 5 carnival game tickets, and 3 cups full of bacon/PBR (it?s your choice whether you fill your 3 cups with beer, bacon, or both).

(Yes, you can purchase more beer and bacon at the festival).

Bottomless Bacon ($45 online, $55 phone/door): For the professional piggy that really knows how to shovel it in. This pass gets you admission to the festival, unlimited game playing, and all the PBR and bacon you can stuff in your stomach. **Please note, like anywhere else in the world, we expect you drink responsibly. Please don?t be a jerk and overdo it. We will escort you out if you do.

Whole Hog! Literally. ($85 online, $95 phone/door) We?re wheeling in two whole pigs roasted to perfection by P?Cheen (trust us, those boys know their BBQ), several kegs of specialty beer from Ale Yeah!, AND, you even get your very own BaconFest 2012 tee-shirt. SQUEEEEEEEAL! Yep, this is on top of the unlimited beer, bacon, and games. There are a very limited number of these passes available, so snatch them up quick before somebody else gets their greasy little snout on them.

Anyone planning on going this year?

- By Jon Watson, Food & More blog


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Local program helps teach kids filmmaking skills ? La Grange & La ...

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Yesterday at 6:31 a.m.

Nicholas Tegel, 9, calls "action" while filming during a class at Wayne Thomas Elementary School in Highland Park. (Andrew A. Nelles, Chicago Tribune / February 27, 2012)

Nicholas Tegel, 9, calls "action" while filming during a class at Wayne Thomas Elementary School in Highland Park. (Andrew A. Nelles, Chicago Tribune / February 27, 2012)

The films were jittery, frantic, funny, silly and sweet, just like the kids who directed them.

Huddled around five laptops in the Park District of La Grange?s Recreation Center were 15 8-, 9- and 10-year-olds participating in ?Lights, Camera, Action ? Making Your Own Star Wars Movie,? a program in which teams of kids create their own short films, from scripting and storyboarding to shooting and editing.

In this digital age, after-school programs have a digital bent.

Read more at the Chicago Tribune.


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Crime Watch: Breaking News: "Luther" wins Best Drama at Royal TV ...

I'm very pleased to share the news that in the past couple of hours the second series of "Luther", a riveting police drama written by Wellington-based novelist and screenwriter Neil Cross, has won "Best Drama" at the Royal Television Society (RTS) Awards in the UK.

"Luther" has divided some critics, although increasingly it is being widely recognised as a standout example of top notch British television. The first series won the prestigious Edgar Award in the US, and titular star Idris Elba has won a Golden Globe for Best Actor in?Drama for the lead role, amongst other accolades.

You can read my review of Season One here.

"Luther" will return for a third series.

The RTS Awards honour excellence in key genres of television programming, from children's fiction to comedy performance, history to soaps, covering both national and regional output. Held annually, the RTS Programme Awards aim to recognise the work of exceptional actors, presenters, writers and production teams, as well as celebrating the programmes themselves. The 2011 Award winners were announced and presented at a ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London, today (NZT).

Have you watched "Luther"? What is your favourite television detective show?


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mercury Surprises: Tiny Planet Has Strange Innards and Active Past

The small, sun-scorched planet Mercury has an interior unlike that of any other rocky planet in our solar system and a surprisingly dynamic history, two new studies suggest.

Using observations from?NASA's Messenger spacecraft?in orbit around Mercury, researchers have found that the planet's huge iron core is even larger than they had thought, and it's likely overlain with a solid shell of iron and sulfur ? a layered structure not known to exist on Earth, Venus or Mars. And there's more: Mercury appears to have remained geologically active for a surprisingly large chunk of its evolutionary history, researchers said.

"Many scientists expected Mercury, being a small planet only slightly larger than the moon, to have cooled off not long after it formed and to be?essentially 'dead' for most of its evolution," said Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, lead author of one of the new studies and a co-author on the other. "But it appears that Mercury had an exciting and active?middle age."

Mercury from above

The $446 million Messenger (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging) spacecraft launched in 2004. It then took a circuitous route to the solar system's innermost planet, becoming the first probe ever to orbit Mercury in March 2011. [Latest Mercury Photos from Messenger]

Since then, Messenger has been zipping around the baking-hot planet ? which orbits the sun from just 36 million miles (58 million kilometers) away, compared to 93 million miles (150 million km) for Earth ? once every 12 hours.

The probe is mapping Mercury's surface?and gathering data on the planet's composition, magnetic environment and tenuous atmosphere, among other features. To date, Messenger has taken nearly 100,000 images and made more than 4 million measurements of the planet's surface, researchers said.

Messenger's original science campaign was designed to last one Earth year, but NASA announced in November that it had granted the spacecraft a one-year mission extension. Messenger officially began its extended mission?earlier this week.

Surprising findings

The two new studies, which both appear in the March 23 issue of the journal Science, detail findings that should help scientists better understand Mercury's murky past.

In one study, researchers used observations made by Messenger's laser altimeter to map the topography of Mercury's northern hemisphere. They found that the range of elevations was smaller than that found on either Mars or the moon.

Messenger also observed that the floors of many Mercury?craters have been tilted substantially. Part of the floor of the Caloris basin ? at 960 miles (1,550 km) across one of the largest impact features in the solar system ? has even been raised above its rim.

These discoveries suggest that internal forces pushed the craters up after the impacts created them, providing strong evidence that Mercury remained geologically active long after its formation. This may surprise many scientists given the planet's small size, Zuber said.

"It is not out of the question that Mercury is still active today," she told via email, "though I note that this is not very likely, and for sure?we have not observed an active eruption or extrusion."

Peering inside

Researchers also estimated Mercury's gravity field by precisely radio-tracking Messenger's movements around the planet.

From these estimates, they determined that Mercury has "mascons," large positive gravity anomalies associated with big impact basins (the term is short for "mass concentrations").

"These were first discovered on the moon in 1968 and caused great problems in the Apollo program?because they tugged low-orbiting spacecraft around and made navigation difficult," Zuber said. "Subsequently mascons were discovered on Mars, and now we find out that Mercury has them, so they appear to be a common feature of terrestrial planetary bodies."

The team's gravity calculations also suggest that Mercury has an iron core that comprises roughly 85 percent of the planet's radius. (For comparison, Earth's iron core covers about half of its radius.) Scientists had suspected the planet's core is big, but many will be surprised that it's so gigantic, Zuber said.

Further, it looks like a layer of solid iron sulfide overlies Mercury's core ? a feature not known to exist on any other terrestrial planet, researchers said.

The new findings should help shed light on Mercury's past, and on the formation and evolution of rocky planets in general. But they also serve to remind scientists that they're in for many more surprises as they continue to probe the solar system's many mysteries, Zuber said.

"With new data, we are continually reminded that when you think you know what's going on you probably don't," she added. "Nature is more perplexing than we can possibly conceive."

You can follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter: @michaeldwall. Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom?and on Facebook.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Humperdinck ballad is UK Eurovision entry

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Metropolis ? Arts & Entertainment | Orbital |

Courtesy of Beatink

Orbital?s Paul and Phil Hartnoll may be the landed gentry of electronic music, but that doesn?t mean they?re stuck in their old analog foxhunting ways. When I reach younger brother Paul he?s reveling in the rare English sun, programming a live set for their new album on his laptop.

?We didn?t find a computer approach that was good enough until Ableton software came along,? Hartnoll explains about their move to computers. ?These days everyone?s spoiled. We?ve got too much technology. You have to be disciplined?there is no end to the recording process now.?

Orbital?s first disc since their 2009 reunion, Wonky excels at the kind of hooky, melody-driven techno that made them giants of ?90s electronic music. ?In the old days you could hear the simplicity of music that was made with only a few synths,? Hartnoll says. ?There was a kind of raw joy to it that we?ve tried to maintain.?

A band that?s headlined Glastonbury and Woodstock presumably has all the gear time and money can provide. How do they stay focused?
?I?m not entirely sure? it?s something you instinctively feel over the years,? he muses. ?The first few hours of a song are going to be the heart and soul?the rest of the time is wrestling that into shape. The discipline is knowing when to stop.?

Exposure to Detroit techno was an ear-opening experience for the Hartnoll bros, but their sound derives as much from pop as it does from hardcore dance music. ?If it doesn?t stir me emotionally it?s not working,? Paul affirms. ?The stuff that influenced me was Kraftwerk, Cabaret Voltaire?song-based electronic groups more than my contemporaries.?

Now 43 and with three kids, Hartnoll approaches music from a different perspective than two decades ago, when he and his brother named their group ?Orbital? after the London ring road near which many raves were held in the late ?80s and early ?90s.

?It feels totally refreshed,? he says breathlessly. ?We had to go away and have a break. We were fed up with each other and what we were doing. We had to appreciate what we?d given up. We came back to it wiser, and with knowledge to resurrect creatively, which is an amazing thing to do?to find that it is still very full of life.?

Invited to play England?s Big Chill in 2009, the Hartnolls were so enthused at being back on stage together that they decided to get to work on a new album. The resulting collection of tracks takes its name from the second to last outing, the zany ?Wonky? featuring the wind-up raps of voluble 23-year-old Brit-hopper Lady Leshurr.

Other tracks bear the distinct imprint of the currently inescapable subterranean bass lines of dubstep. ?For me, music is a cultural group experience,? Paul explains. ?We play music to people, we listen, it?s like one big circulated idea, a big melting pot. You take your influences and do it your way. We?ve got modern dubsteppy sounds because we enjoy some of the great stuff going on, but then there?s also a lot of contemporary modern folk music I listen to which influenced it. Influences are unavoidable because music is one big thing we all experience together.?

Orbital returns in May to reprise an appearance at Metamorphose, which was canceled last September amid a typhoon. First on these shores 20 years ago, they?ve headlined all the big events in Japan, including some of the formative ?90s raves on the slopes of Mt. Fuji.
Where will they be another two decades down the road? ?Sitting on this bench, talking to people like you,? Hartnoll affirms. ?Stopping and starting again was the best thing we ever did. We are really fired up and wouldn?t have been as inspired as we are now. Retiring once was great, but I?m not doing that again.?

Metamorphose @Makuhari Messe, May 12 (listing). Wonky is available on Beat Records Mar 28.


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ethics and Social Media: Where Should You Draw The Line ...

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Real Estate Facebook Internet Marketing Optimization | Element 360

Optimize Your Facebook Page for Mobile Search

Friday, March 16th, 2012 ? |? Tags: real estate internet marketing, resort marketing


It is important to make sure your Facebook page is easy to find on mobile devices. People just do not look at the 2nd page on search engines. You at least need to be on page 1 for brand queries. Here are some tactics to support this objective.

- Anchor your brand name back link to the Facebook page instead of find us on Facebook sometimes.

- Check your PageRank for your website and Facebook profile if you have a new site. It may be easier to focus your energy promoting your Facebook page on mobile if you have a newer website.

- Link your Facebook page to your other social networking sites such as Google+ and LinkedIn.

- Leverage the ?description? and ?about? fields for important descriptive keywords. Make sure it sounds human though.

- Test paid search mobile advertising that points visitors to your Facebook page since it is setup to be mobile friendly.

Facebook reported 50% of their traffic now coming from mobile devices. There are over 155 million mobile Facebook pages indexed on Google now. Don?t underestimate the real estate internet marketing opportunity here. E360 focuses on resort marketing for real estate and hotels. We will continue to monitor the trends for our blog visitors.


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Saturday, March 17, 2012

An Easy Method To Help Fund Long Term Backpacking In SE Asia?

An Easy Method To Help Fund Long Term Backpacking In SE Asia?

An Easy Method To Help Fund Long Term Backpacking In SE Asia?

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Music devices

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Attorney: Afghan suspect from Lake Tapps, Wash.

John Henry Browne, the attorney representing the U.S. soldier who is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians, talks to reporters, Thursday, Mar. 15, 2012, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

John Henry Browne, the attorney representing the U.S. soldier who is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians, talks to reporters, Thursday, Mar. 15, 2012, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Attorney John Henry Browne talks to reporters, Thursday, March 15, 2012, in Seattle. Browne will be representing the U.S. soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

John Henry Browne, the attorney representing the U.S. soldier who is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians, talks to reporters Thursday, March 15, 2012, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

LAKE TAPPS, Wash. (AP) ? The attorney for a soldier accused of killing 16 civilians in Afghanistan said Friday the suspect is 38-year-old Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales from Lake Tapps, Wash.

The military had earlier declined to name the suspect. A senior U.S. official said Friday it was Bales, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation into an incident that has roiled relations with Afghanistan.

John Henry Browne, a defense attorney from Seattle, confirmed his client's identity.

Bales has not yet been charged. He was being flown Friday from Kuwait to a military detention center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., the military's only maximum-security prison.

Reporters swarmed Bales' neighborhood in Washington state on Friday night in the rural community, a wooded area filled with pine trees about 20 miles northeast from the base.

Kassie Holland, who lives next door, said she would often see Bales playing with his two kids and the family together at the modern split-level home.

"My reaction is that I'm shocked," she said. "I can't believe it was him. There were no signs. It's really sad. I don't want to believe that he did it."

"He always had a good attitude about being in the service. He was never really angry about it. When I heard him talk, he said, it seemed like, yeah, that's my job. That's what I do. He never expressed a lot of emotion toward it."

Military officials say the soldier received sniper training and is assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, of the 2nd Infantry Division, which is based at Lewis-McChord and has been dispatched to Iraq three times since 2003.

Beau Britt, who lives across the street, said: "For something like that to be right across the street from us is just amazing."

"I kind of sympathize for him, being gone, being sent over there four times. I can understand he's probably quite wracked mentally, so I just hope that things are justified in court. I hope it goes OK."

Browne said his client was injured twice while deployed to Iraq. He suffered a concussion in a vehicle accident caused by an improvised explosive device, and sustained a battle-related injury requiring surgery that removed part of one foot. Browne said his client was "highly decorated."

Browne said when the 11-year veteran heard he was being sent to Afghanistan late last year, he did not want to go.

"He wasn't thrilled about going on another deployment," Browne said. "He was told he wasn't going back, and then he was told he was going."

Bales completed 20 hours of anger-management counseling following a 2002 arrest at a Tacoma hotel for investigation of assault. Browne said the case involved a woman who was not his wife. It was not immediately clear how long Bales has been married to his wife.

Tacoma Municipal court administrator Yvonne Pettus provided a copy of the court docket, but said clerks could not immediately locate the case file, which is either in archives or destroyed. The docket shows that Bales pleaded not guilty, underwent the 20 hours of anger management treatment, and the case was dismissed.

The staff sergeant arrived in Afghanistan in December. On Feb. 1 he was assigned to a base in the Panjwai District, near Kandahar, to work with a village stability force that pairs special operations troops with villagers to help provide neighborhood security.

On Saturday, the day before the shooting spree, Browne said the soldier saw his friend's leg blown off. Browne said his client's family provided him with that information, which has not been independently verified.

Wearing a NATO forces uniform, officials say he moved through the nearby villages of Alkozai and Balandi, barging into homes and opening fire on those inside, then burning some of the bodies. Nine of those killed were children. Eleven of the dead were from a single family.

A surveillance video captured by a blimp that surveys the area around the base shows that the soldier later approached the south gate of the base with an Afghan shawl covering the weapon in his hands, according to an Afghan official who was shown the footage by his U.S. counterparts.

In the video, the man walks up to the base, lays down the weapon and raises his arms in surrender.

The sergeant's family says they saw no signs of aggression or anger. "They were totally shocked," by accounts of the massacre, Browne said. "He's never said anything antagonistic about Muslims. He's in general very mild-mannered."

The lawyer denied reports that the soldier had marital problems, saying he and his wife have a solid relationship.

The identification of the shooter quickly elicited a variety of reactions throughout Twitter. Some used social media to condemn Bales and called him a terrorist. Others called him a war hero who should not have been deployed to Afghanistan after serving three tours in Iraq. Others offered prayers for him and his family.


Johnson contributed from Seattle. Also contributing were AP National Security Writer Robert Burns in Washington, and Phuong Le, Haven Daley and Manuel Valdes in Seattle.

Gene Johnson can be reached at .

Associated Press


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