Sunday, December 4, 2011

93% 50/50

50/50 is a sweet and dramatic comedy that gave me a much bigger outlook on cancer then I had before, and it made me have much sympathy for them and how much their lives can change from it, but it also told me that it can only depress you if you let it. The story follows Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) a man who has been diagnosed with cancer and is learning to deal with it. His girlfriend is a very odd and desperate woman who who has promised to stand by him through this. His best friend and co worker Kyle (Seth Rogen) feels sympathy for him but also likes to use him to get women, much to Adams dislike, but Kyle is his friend and a good guy at heart. Adam will have to deal with his friends, girlfriend, needy parents, and his therapist who he starts to grow feelings for, and he must learn to deal with whatever life throws at him. The plot of 50/50 is actually very well done and funny, it is a very slow movie witch at times I was enjoying but at other times I wish they could not had made it so bland, but do not take in what I said, its a incredible and emotional story that made me love the characters because they are all good hearted people that want nothing but the best for Adam, it also is a very sweet film for those who had or have cancer, because they can really relate to the title character and his life. The cast is too incredible to describe and by far the highlight of the movie in my opinion. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is just amazing and I think there should be some Oscar talk for him, I mean I really grew to love him and feel for him and that is hard for an actor to do but he pulls it off, I hope to be seeing in many more future films. Seth Rogen is always funny and this film was no exception, he is the same retarded stoner we all love and care about and here he actually proves he can play in a dramatic movie and still make it feel great. Anna Kendrick is such a sweet and loveable actress and after this and Up in the Air I'm starting to slowly love her more and more, even with the drawbacks of her being in the Twilight films. The comedy in the film is in a way what a good comedy should be, they use smart jokes instead of poop and fart jokes that I have been seeing at comedy films lately, and I can truly say say there were many moments I laughed my @ss off. 50/50 is one of the best dramas of the year I think, even though the story was very dul at many times in the films, this is a minor drawback to such an funny and sweet film that will really touch your heart and funny bone.

August 17, 2011


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