Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two in five Japanese buy mobiles without research

How satisfied are you with your current mobile phone? graph of japanese statisticsjapan.internet.com recently published a rather intersting report on a survey by goo Research into degree of satisfaction with currently-use mobile phone.


Between the 27th and 30th of March 2012 1,084 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 52.8% of the sample were male, 16.4% in their teens, 18.5% in their twenties, 21.3% in their thirties, 16.1% in their forties, 15.9% in their fifties, and 11.8% aged sixty or older.

In Q1, 16.5% not using a mobile phone or smartphone seems surprisingly high! There must be more behind that answer, as the usual goo Research results are just 5% or so not having such a device, and I cannot believe that the tablet market, for instance, has replaced one in ten mobile users.

I bought my mobile on its low price (-10,000 yen it turned out to be) and the size.

Research results

Q1: How satisfied are you with the mobile phone, smartphone you currently use? (Sample size=1,084)

Satisfied (to SQ1) 19.0%
Somewhat satisfied (to SQ1) 38.0%
Can?t say either way (to SQ1) 14.2%
Somewhat dissatisfied (to SQ1) 10.1%
Dissatisfied (to SQ1) 2.1%
Don?t use a mobile phone, smartphone 16.5%

Q1SQ1: Before buying your mobile phone, did you refer to any product information? (Sample size=905)

Yes 54.0%
No 40.9%
Don?t remember, didn?t choose it myself, etc 5.1%

For the 489 people who referred to information, 334 said they looked at a product catalogue, 248 checked out handsets in a mobile shop, 200 referred to the maker?s web site, etc.

Q1SQ2: Why did you you buy the mobile phone, smartphone you currently use? (Sample size=905, multiple answer)

? Votes Percentage
Rich feature set 442 48.8%
External appearance, design 372 41.1%
Low price 357 39.4%
Handset colour 281 31.0%
Handset size 235 26.0%
Usability when testing it out 216 23.9%
Ability to connect to PC, other devices 84 9.3%
Because it was in vogue 64 7.1%
Other 68 7.5%
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